Project Introduction
Book Nook came from the idea of giving 20-somethings a place they can go and work, hang out, or just read a book. Book Nook’s mission is to create community and bring back the feeling of home and family. A focus in these stores will be on special events like singles nights, book clubs, and author visits. 
The Problem: Chain bookstores lack community and a sense of personal connections. 
The Solution: A place where people want to go regularly to meet new people and hang out.
The Target Audience
Adults between ages 20–40 who are middle-income, with college or post-secondary education. This target is looking for a new place to become their regular hangout spot and possibly looking to expand their friend circle or find a significant other. Possibly new to the area or didn’t grow up there.
Merchandise will be available in-store and online ranging from bookmarks to t-shirts. Branded canvas bags will be given at checkout instead of plastic bags.
Outside signage will differ depending on what kind of building the store will be in. There are options for glass, outside wall plaques, and signage you would see at a shopping center or mall. For inside signage, bold and bright posters and table tents will show current and future events, book clubs, and singles nights.
Advertisements outside of the store like bus stop posters will give simple messages that also correlate to store merchandise.
Social media posts will include customer interactions, the latest events happening in stores, and what's popular for readers. The hope is to bring people to the website as well as visit a store for special events. 

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